Disclaimer / Terms and Conditions

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Spending Planner Certification Training

Training Disclaimer / Terms and Conditions

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Training Disclaimer

We’d like for you to have the best possible benefit from the Spending Planners Institute Certification Training (“the Program”) and we genuinely hope to see you go on to achieve your goals.  However, before we go any further, there are a few legal issues which we must clarify so there is no confusion.


The Spending Planners Institute Pty Ltd (ACN 607 006 842) and / or its agents own the copyright to the material, both oral and written, presented during the Program.

No portion of the Program, including notes or other materials may be recorded or reproduced in any way or by any means without the prior written consent of The Spending Planners Institute.


  1. Does the information in this program constitute advice?

The Program is intended to provide information pertaining to providing a service to end clients.  As such, the content and any written handouts do not constitute specific financial advice.

The course contains some general educational material and some resources presented with the aim of helping you to provide a service.  You should consult with your own legal, accounting and other advisers if you want advice.

Presenters in the program, including The Spending Planners Institute and associated parties, do not hold an Australian Financial Services Licence and do not intend or purport to provide financial advice. This precludes the presenters from recommending specific financial products, specific investments or attempting to sell you financial products.  The information provided is of a general nature and does not take into consideration your specific objectives, financial situation or needs.

Before acting on any of the information you should consider its appropriateness, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs, and obtain any necessary or appropriate professional advice.

  1. What are the risks involved?

You should also be aware that starting your own business requires the application of diverse skills and significant effort. It also involves an element of risk – including the risk of financial loss. Only you can assess whether or not you have the required skills together with the ability to manage the ongoing inherent risks associated with the techniques and methods presented during the Program. None of The Spending Planners Institute, the presenters or any related party involved with the production of this program accepts liability for any loss, damage or expense incurred by you if you rely on or utilise any of the ideas, methods or techniques presented in the Program in making business and/or investment decisions.

  1. Acknowledging the law changes!

The program is presented based upon the laws of Australia as at 21st of November, 2015.  You should appreciate that these laws vary between states and may change without notice.  You need to acknowledge that you will have to obtain specific legal and accounting advice to ensure that information presented in this Program is appropriate or suitably adapted for your state / territory / country.


The Spending Planners Institute reserves the right to record, edit and publish any and all proceedings during the Program for its own purposes.  You agree to allow The Spending Planners Institute to use your image and voice without any further consideration or notification.


The Program, as an event catering for a large number of people, will require your cooperation in observing reasonable standards of behaviour as well as complying with the reasonable directions of Program staff, The Spending Planners Institute and the presenters from time to time.

The Spending Planners Institute reserves the right to remove any person or persons who The Spending Planners Institute believes are in breach of these Terms and Conditions or otherwise fail to observe the reasonable directions of The Spending Planners Institute from time to time.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator border_width=”2″][vc_column_text]

Terms & Conditions


The Spending Planners Institute was created to train and support people in building a business which provides a service to end customers. The training we deliver has been developed over many years and contains information that can be used to generate income for those people who choose to undergo the training.

Training commences at designated times throughout the year.  Payment can be made up front or on a payment plan.

The following Refund Policy applies to all trainees.  Notice in writing of withdrawal from the business training is required.

Notice given within two (2) days (48 hours) of initial payment – full refund

Notice given between two (2) days of initial payment and one week prior to the commencement of the Phase 2 – face-to-face training – Client will be given a refund less $500 (including GST)

Notice given less than one week prior to the Phase 2 – face-to-face training component – 50% of full price will be refunded, or, if payment has not been made, then Client must complete payments up to 50% of quoted Certification Training fee.  NOTE – if a Client signs up for Certification Training less then two (2) weeks prior to face-to-face training, then the 50% payment / 50% refund still applies.

Notice given  at any stage after the face-to-face training component – NO REFUND applies;  full payment is due.


The Spending Planners Institute conducts various training events and conference events. People who choose to attend these events sign up weeks or even months prior to the face-to-face event taking place.

The business training comprises three parts – Phase 1 – pre-event training – online and via email (setting up a business and preparation for clients); Phase 2 – face-to-face training (systems and processes, business spending plan projections, goal setting, sales & marketing); and Phase 3 – post-event training – combination of webinars, online & email (7 week Kickstart designed to kickstart your business).

Some trainees choose to pay 100% of the fee at the time of signing up and others choose to adopt a payment plan which may start weeks or months before the face-to-face event and may conclude many months after the event.

Regardless of the chosen payment plan, all trainees are treated the same.

On completion of the Phase 2 – face-to-face training component, each trainee is then issued with current membership of the Spending Planners Institute for twelve (12) months and support is available for as long as they are members of the Institute.


There is no guarantee of income since every trainee has different goals, levels of commitment, available time and personal skills, however there is no reason why any trainee could not generate significantly more income than the cost of the training.


All our pricing is in Australian dollars (AUD) unless stated otherwise. You should make yourself aware of any and all charges and legality related to utilising our products to your country of domicile.


The Spending Planners Institute websites are intended to provide general information on the business techniques employed by the various presenters. As such, the content including any videos or audio content do not constitute specific financial advice, rather they are general educational resources presented with the aim of helping you to improve your business skills. Accordingly, it will be necessary for you to consult with your own legal, accounting and other advisers to ensure that the concepts you learn from our sites can be tailored to your specific needs and objectives.

The Spending Planners Institute and associated parties, do not hold an Australian Financial Services Licence and do not intend or purport to provide financial advice.  The information provided is of a general nature and does not take into account your specific objectives, business situation, financial situation or needs.

Before acting on any of the information you should consider its appropriateness, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs and obtain any necessary or appropriate professional advice.

You should also be aware that successful business requires the application of diverse skills and significant effort. Any business involves an element of risk – including the risk of financial loss. Only you can assess whether or not you have the required skills together with the ability to manage the ongoing inherent risks associated with the techniques and methods presented. None of the Spending Planners Institute or any related party involved accepts liability for any loss, damage or expense incurred by you if you rely on or utilise any of the ideas, methods or techniques presented in our sites or our videos or audio programs which may be on our sites or third party sites.


When purchasing from the Spending Planners Institute your financial details are passed through a secure server using the latest 128-bit SSL (secure sockets layer) encryption technology. 128-bit SSL encryption is approximated to take at least one trillion years to break, and is the industry standard. If you have any questions regarding our security policy, please contact our customer support centre [email protected].


The Spending Planners Institute has a firm commitment to respecting and protecting people’s privacy.  The following discloses the information gathering and dissemination practices of the institute.

Any information provided to the Spending Planners Institute will be treated with the utmost of respect for privacy. People’s personal information will not be sold, rented, given away or shared with anyone not involved in the everyday running of the Spending Planners Institute.

You agree and consent that we may collect personal information from you when you subscribe to one of our Spending Planners Institute websites, and from our business partners. Normally, the type of personal information collected includes your name, email and postal addresses, telephone numbers, age and gender. Unless we are conducting in depth Market Research we do not usually collect sensitive personal information.

Our policy is to only collect personal information that we need for a particular purpose and use it for that purpose. Except as permitted or required by law, including as reasonably expected by the individual, the Spending Planners Institute does not collect, use or disclose personal information without your consent.

You agree and consent that the Spending Planners Institute may collect personal information about you from a third party source. The Spending Planners Institute will take reasonable steps to contact you to and make you aware of the purposes for which the issuer has collected your personal information which has been obtained from a third party source.

You must not provide personal information to the Spending Planners Institute about another person, unless that person has authorised the Spending Planners Institute, through you, to collect, use and disclose personal information about that person for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.


The Spending Planners Institute collects personal information for some or all of the following purposes:

– To monitor or improve the quality and standard of service provided to you or other consumers by the Spending Planners Institute and any related entities.

– To provide marketing information to you about products and services.

– To arrange for sale and delivery of products and services to you.


You agree and consent that we may use personal information to manage our relationship with you and properly conduct our business. Specifically, you agree and consent that we may use your personal information in order to:

– Communicate information on our products or services and to notify our customers about existing or new Spending Planners Institute product or service offerings, sales or special promotions from time to time.

– Help you to decide which of our products or services would best suit your requirements.

– Conduct market research by collating and analysing information in order to develop product and service ranges and identify opportunities to provide our customers with further service and benefits.

If at any time you no longer wish to be notified about new Spending Planners Institute products or services or promotions, you should contact the Spending Planners Institute and we will delete your personal information from our system.

You agree and consent that the Spending Planners Institute use of your personal information may involve sharing your personal information with and amongst the companies within the Spending Planners Institute. Where information is disclosed to a related body corporate, that company is bound by the original purpose for which the information was collected.

The Spending Planners Institute does not sell, rent, trade, give or share personal information to or with third parties. However, you agree and consent that we may disclose your personal information to third parties to whom the Spending Planners Institute contracts out specialised functions (including without limitation such as printing companies for the purpose of printing the Spending Planners Institute promotional material). If the Spending Planners Institute does disclose your personal information to these third party contractors under outsourcing or contracting arrangements, the Spending Planners Institute takes steps to ensure that those contractors comply with the National Privacy Principles when they handle your personal information, and are authorised only to use your personal information in order to provide the services or to perform the functions required by the Spending Planners Institute.

Otherwise, Spending Planners Institute only uses or discloses personal information as authorised or required by law.

[/vc_column_text][vc_separator border_width=”2″][vc_column_text]YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

By agreeing to the terms and conditions presented on this Disclaimer or remaining in this Program you certify that you have read, understood and consented to the Terms and Conditions set out above.

If you are less than 18 years of age both you and your parent / guardian will need to agree to this Disclaimer.




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